Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Criticisms and the lies spread about The Satanic religon

A common criticism of Satanism is that it is reactionary and an invention of the Christian churches. It is thought that because of its chief symbol is that of the enemy in Christianity, it is a reaction against what were social problems at the time, rather than a positive growth. This also relates to the rebellion factor that is commonly associated with adolescents who claim to be Satanists

The symbol of Satan is criticized as deliberately confrontational. Often it is cited as being purely for shock value and having no real purpose whatsoever.
Some who agree with the philosophy of Satanism, fall short of calling themselves Satanists because it is seen as simply a rebellion against Christianity and not a valid, stand alone set of ideas. It has also been suggested that much of the power of Satanism was in shock which has waned since the 1960s.Satanism is also criticized as a recycled version of older ideas such as existentialism and perhaps individualism. LaVey has described his Satanism as "just Ayn Rand's philosophy with ceremony and ritual added" . Critics have suggested that LaVey simply took the philosophy of Satanism from Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche, adding on the symbol of Satan and watered down versions of magical ideas taken from Aleister Crowley.

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